Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A loss can be a blessing ....

Yesterday we had what should have been a great blow to our family.... my DH was laid off from his job. At first I thought he had been joking when he told me but as it turns out I think it was just one big relief. He didn't like the atmosphere of where he worked and had been wanting to get back in to managerial positions. Only due to the business he is in, if one begins looking the word gets around and someone from his company would hear so he hasn't been actively looking. Now he can actively look. I have a feeling this will mean a huge change for us.... like moving - to another area altogether. We're here, Lord, send us!

So he got to thinking about everything while he was making contacts in his business world and realized we have no need to rush out and take the first available job that pops up. He'll draw unemployment and the money he makes being a baseball umpire will more than fill in the gaps as he'll be available to work way more than he was while working his "day job." Plus, I may be able to get a small part-time job at the hospital which would help out tremendously. Granted, neither of us likes needing the unemployment benefits, it will be temporary. This will allow him to search out the type of position he has been wanting for the past four years. So for that, I'm thankful for the unemployment benefits.

Perhaps, we were allowed to be in this position to humble us. I don't want to get into some personal stuff here concerning others within family so I shall just say we were perhaps a bit judgmental - even if what we believed turned out to be mostly true, it was wrong to have judged them. I still don't like what they are currently doing but I have to separate out not liking their actions and judging them. What a tough line to toe, is it not sometimes? But I will work on it.

For now I am also thankful for my husband being more relaxed than I have seen him in several years!

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