Monday, March 7, 2011

Gasp, Cough, Sputter ...

I just want to mention I have never had this happen to me but at the same time felt like sharing especially since we Orthodox tend to rely on so many beans during fasting periods. Getting sick after a meal may not be the sign of bad cooking ... it may be a sign that you did cook your beans at a high enough temperature long enough. Read on ...


Red Kidney Bean Poisoning is an illness caused by a toxic agent,Phytohaemagglutnin (Kidney Bean Lectin). This toxic agent is found in many species of beans, but it is in highest concentration in red kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). The unit of toxin measure is the hemagglutinating unit (hau). Raw kidney beans contain from 20,000 to 70,000 hau, while fully cooked beans contain from 200 to 400 hau. White kidney beans, another variety of Phaseolus vulgaris, contain about one-third the amount of toxin as the red variety; broad beans (Vicia faba) contain 5 to 10% the amount that red kidney beans contain.

As few as 4 or 5 beans can bring on symptoms. Onset of symptoms varies from between 1 to 3 hours. Onset is usually marked by extreme nausea, followed by vomiting, which may be very severe. Diarrhea develops somewhat later (from one to a few hours), and some persons report abdominal pain. Some persons have been hospitalized, but recovery is usually rapid (3 - 4 h after onset of symptoms) and spontaneous.

The syndrome is usually caused by the ingestion of raw, soaked kidney beans, either alone or in salads or casseroles. As few as four or five raw beans can trigger symptoms. Several outbreaks have been associated with "slow cookers" or crock pots, or in casseroles which had not reached a high enough internal temperature to destroy the glycoprotein lectin. It has been shown that heating to 80 degrees C. may potentiate the toxicity five-fold, so that these beans are more toxic than if eaten raw. In studies of casseroles cooked in slow cookers, internal temperatures often did not exceed 75 degrees C..

All persons, regardless of age or gender, appear to be equally susceptible; the severity is related only to the dose ingested.

No major outbreaks have occurred in the U.S. Outbreaks in the U.K. are far more common, and may be attributed to greater use of dried kidney beans in the U.K., or better physician awareness and reporting.

NOTE: The following procedure has been recommended by the PHLS (Public Health Laboratory Services, Colindale, U.K.) to render kidney, and other, beans safe for consumption:
* Soak in water for at least 5 hours.
* Pour away the water.
* Boil briskly in fresh water for at least 10 minutes.
* Undercooked beans may be more toxic than raw beans.

Sources: FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition.
BAD BUG BOOK (Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins Handbook)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Moving Forward ...

Well, well, well ... the changes that come so unexpectedly that are such blessings!
DH is actually looking into changing his career path!! :D I am sooo happy for him. He has been in the automotive industry for 30 years. He's coached the kids in football and baseball and is now umpiring/officiating. He's thought about making the jump to full-time officiating for just over a year now but never could put the time commitment into it that it would require due to his day job. Now with the layoff HE CAN!!! I approached him about it this morning when I came in from classes and he says, "You know it's funny you mention that cause I was just thinking about that and [my friend] was even talking to me about that just a little while ago." He could easily make more than he did in the automotive industry doing something he truly enjoys. So I'm all for it.

This led to me possibly getting recertified in child birth education, lactation education, teen education, ante-partum, labor, and post-partum doula services again. I enjoyed that so much but several factors led me into shying away from it some years ago. Those reasons have passed. So if I ever had the option to jump back and get recertified then I would. I might be able to do it! My training classes and such definitely cost way more than DH's training classes so it would be a bit harder for me to do so. One problem I run into is needing a partner. I have a couple of people I could approach so I think I will discuss this a little further and then maybe I'll be ready to take the plunge back in there by the time May roles around. If not, it will be September before I can even think about it due to training scheduling. I can still go to school, still be home most of the time with the children (DH would fill in the time I couldn't), still homeschool, and yet bring in money to the family fold :)

I think I really need to pray on this... I love what I'm going to school for. I absolutely love the field and it excites me to no end. BUT I also love the childbirth/newborn field. I need to pray about where God wants me to be. What benefits my family the most, what is best for me, what is *my* calling to be? Perhaps it is a combination of both. Perhaps the childbirth scene is a "for now" thing until I can get my medical degree ... perhaps I shouldn't get my medical degree, perhaps I shouldn't go back into field I've already left, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps ... perhaps I should just pray!

As for DH though, I have known for a long time that he would be so very happy being an official. It's just something he really enjoys from the heart. If he could get paid to coach little kids I think that is truly where he finds happiness :) But he can't volunteer his whole life.... but I bet he finds a way to coach again when grandkids come around and are old enough to play :) We're still going to pray on this as well, though, but I'm really hoping he can get out of a field that demands so much of his time, yet gives him no satisfaction at all. He's so very honest (which we believe is one of the reasons they let him go and not because of seniority since three senior people were let go in the first two rounds of layoffs instead of him) - it kills him to see people overcharged, it kills him to have to try and sell work that people can't afford but he has to try and make it sound like they can't get by without it, all of that bothers him. It would cost the company money when he would correct labor costs - while the other two that are left wouldn't... they always had overcharges. ... We just found out their pay was cut to $200 a week and they get a commission on labor charges once a month - makes you want to charge as much labor as possible doesn't it when your paycheck depends on it ... both men are in knots thinking about it. It makes me ever so grateful that DH was the one that was let go ... in fact both men have said as much - that he was the lucky one. I honestly and truly believe so as well. God has always, always looked after me throughout my entire life, and I don't believe He will stop now.

It's odd, but I want to cry right now as I'm so happy about all of this! This is certainly a great way to start off Great Lent, is it not?? Relying on God for every single thing ... what a sweet, sweet feeling that is.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A loss can be a blessing ....

Yesterday we had what should have been a great blow to our family.... my DH was laid off from his job. At first I thought he had been joking when he told me but as it turns out I think it was just one big relief. He didn't like the atmosphere of where he worked and had been wanting to get back in to managerial positions. Only due to the business he is in, if one begins looking the word gets around and someone from his company would hear so he hasn't been actively looking. Now he can actively look. I have a feeling this will mean a huge change for us.... like moving - to another area altogether. We're here, Lord, send us!

So he got to thinking about everything while he was making contacts in his business world and realized we have no need to rush out and take the first available job that pops up. He'll draw unemployment and the money he makes being a baseball umpire will more than fill in the gaps as he'll be available to work way more than he was while working his "day job." Plus, I may be able to get a small part-time job at the hospital which would help out tremendously. Granted, neither of us likes needing the unemployment benefits, it will be temporary. This will allow him to search out the type of position he has been wanting for the past four years. So for that, I'm thankful for the unemployment benefits.

Perhaps, we were allowed to be in this position to humble us. I don't want to get into some personal stuff here concerning others within family so I shall just say we were perhaps a bit judgmental - even if what we believed turned out to be mostly true, it was wrong to have judged them. I still don't like what they are currently doing but I have to separate out not liking their actions and judging them. What a tough line to toe, is it not sometimes? But I will work on it.

For now I am also thankful for my husband being more relaxed than I have seen him in several years!